Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will it ever get easier?!?

The answer: NO

Well.. technically, Yes!

I tend to ask myself a lot if exercising will ever be any easier! And I always tell myself NO! And not because I won't be getting stronger or used to the exercise I am doing, but because when it gets easier, then I know I'll have to step it up to the next level!

When I started out at 450 pounds, I really couldn't do much! I walked on the treadmill and usually around 2 miles an hour. Anything else seemed WAY too fast for me! Slowly but surely, I made it around to the bike and elliptical but still really didn't do much more than that! A friend and I took a weight training orientation and added on some weights.. yet I knew that still wasn't enough!

That's when I signed up for the Biggest Loser contest through Riverplex (my gym)! I knew it would break me out of my comfort zone of pretty much all cardio! Twice a week for ten weeks, I worked out with two trainers and my group of wonderful women! I was pushed further and further in what I could do! Push ups, sit ups, crunches, planks, lunges, squats, weights.. You name it, we did it.

At some point during this 10 weeks, one of my trainers, James, told me I was going to run the track. Wait.. WHAT?!? Me? Running?!? But with him by my side, I ran (Well, closer to a jog) as far as I could! I couldn't believe it! It was beyond what I thought I could do!

Back then, I could get to about 5 push ups and need a break... Now I can rip out 20 push ups and be ready to go! But they only expected 15 total push ups at a time. Now we do 25 or more, as many as 50! (Depending on how my trainer wants to kill me that day)

So yeah, it does get easier.. But just when you think the work out gets too easy, the intensity shoots up!!

Don't get comfortable with your work outs!!

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