Monday, November 1, 2010


To my friends and followers..

I'm sorry for not keeping you guys up to date! October was a crazy month. As hectic was my life already was, hockey started and my life got busier! I kept eating crappy and making excuses to myself why I wasn't seeing smaller numbers when I would step on the scale!

So on October 13th, I weighed in (@ 331) and decided to NOT step on the scale again til Nov. 1st! I changed my eating habits (well... like 90%) and kept up my exercising! Because of lots of stuff going on this weekend, I ended up weighing myself this Saturday and I was amazed when I saw 320!!! 11 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks! I'm very happy about that!

So now I'm down 130lbs! But its still just the start! That's not even 1/2 of my weight that I want to lose! But I'm recommitting myself to several things in order to get there!

#1: I'm recommitting myself to this blog. I let it just sit here while I was having troubles, which is when I should have been using it more! Your comments always bring me lots of motivation and pride in what I'm doing and I appreciate it more than you guys know! You'll have a new blog EVERY DAY in November, even if its just to tell you how my food intake was that day!

#2: Pre-New Years Resolutions.... Amanda and I were chatting tonight and decided that we need to get hard core again! And that means making a pre-new years resolution! I WILL be under 290 by 2011! That's 2 months to lose at least 30 lbs! And that will INCLUDE the following:

A: NO SODA (Not even diet)
B: NO FAST FOOD (Except for occasionally Subway)
C: Eating out will be FEW and FAR between
D: Any Cheat meals MUST fit into my calorie consumption for that day.
E: Push myself in all my exercising (Especially in the mornings when I do my own thing)

And that my friends, is how I'm going to get it done! LOTS AND LOTS of hard work and commitment to a healthy life style!




    WE GOT THIS!!!

  2. It's a marathon, not a sprint, right? You're doing amazing -- way to go on the 11 pounds! I'm so looking forward to the daily blog!

  3. 130 lbs is amazing!! Setting goals (and writing them down) is so helpful, I know you'll make your 290 goal! Keep up the great work! Go Susie - I'm so proud of you!

