Monday, February 21, 2011

BL Update: Weeks 3+4

So much for keeping up with this every week!!

Week 3 actually started on Saturday this week because we had a make-up training for the session we missed during Snowpocalypse 2011! This training was AWESOME!! Burned a ton of calories, but had a ton of fun! Travis set up stations where we had to do different exercises for 2 minutes, then rotate!! My favorite was definitely the station that Travis was holding the punching bag and blocking our way to a basket where we had to throw balls into. Our goal was to get around him... or knock him down!!

Our challenge this week was wall sits! I rocked out a 5:05 wall sit, but wasn't enough to come in first, as Maria and her tiny legs sat there for 10+ minutes(RIDICULOUS!) BUT.. Our team came in first, and that's all that matters!

I was REALLY afraid of weigh in this week (I'm starting to see a trend)... but I did all I could, and actually ended up losing 7.2 lbs (290.2), so I was very happy with week 3!!

Week 4 started out with a bang, when we had to do our challenge! This week's challenge, as many laps as you can do around the track in 15 minutes.. and if you remember from the first week, Indigo doesn't walk.. Indigo runs!! So I ran.. and I ran.. and I ran!! (And by running, I mean more of a jog)BUT... Here's the GREAT news... I ran a whole mile straight!! WOOOOO!! That would be doubling my last run of only 4 laps and make it a whole 8 laps!! I did it in 14:20! I felt like I could have kept going too, but with only 15 minutes in the challenge, I opted to walk my 9th lap because I wouldn't be able to get back around the track to make the 9th lap count!

I didn't feel great about this week tho... It wasn't my work outs.. Cause both Dorian and Travis killed us during our training sessions... But it was my eating! I was NOT good. We drove up to Minnesota for Blues and Rivermen games over the weekend, and I had very little motivation to be good (although I did end up bringing food and cooking several of my meals) And even when I got, for some reason, I couldn't get my head back into my full on nutrition game!!

At the weigh in, I ended up gaining 1.4 lbs (291.6) which made me feel like crap! I work TOO HARD at the gym to go home and just eat mindlessly... I'm still 290+lbs... I should be able to lose 4-5 lbs a week easily!! I NEED to remember that everytime I reach for something that I know I shouldn't!!

6 weeks left... 20.6lbs down... 41.6lbs to go!! That's nearly 7lbs per week! YIKES!! I CAN DO THIS!


  1. Girl, I can't even run a mile straight. Hahaha. Way to go! You're doing great. :)


  2. You are doing great!! I still say the Bodybugg should have an electric shock option to help us stay away from those bad food Bodybugg phone coach agreed!!

    You are rocking it!!!
