Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year, New Dedication!!

Its been a while friends! Sorry about that! Although, I feel like its hard for me to keep up the blog when I don't keep up with myself. I haven't been doing so hot on the whole diet scene! Yes, I have been keeping up at the gym! But for being at the gym as much as I am, and not losing weight, I know my diet has been WAY off! Now I'm not trying to make excuses for myself, cause I don't care if its the holidays, I KNOW what to eat.. I just simply chose not to do the right thing!

But Saturday is a new year... 2011! Time to get serious again... I feel like a broken record tho... I've probably said this at least 3 or 4 other times on here.. But this time, I won't cheat myself out of what I deserve!

I'm doing Biggest Loser again this year, and I am VERY excited about our team! Our team is actually a group of nearly all BL contestants from last year, another friend who has been working out with us for a while, and a friend of a friend! So, we're going to be AMAZING! Not to mention two awesome trainers (Travis and Dorian!) That said, we're going to have to train extra hard to keep up with all those folks that are just starting out! Their bodies are going to get a "shock" to their system since they haven't been working out... a shock that our bodies will not get!

The plan for BL is to lose 50lbs... 50lbs in 10 weeks... 5lbs a week! If I don't stray from my diet, I know that is super realistic!! I've done it before, I can do it again! So the planning starts now! Daily menus, strict weekly workout plans! My life will pretty much consist of cooking, eating right, and working out (With the obvious hockey and work mixed in there too!)

Tomorrow I'm finalizing my New Years Resolutions!! I'll have several, and they'll be pretty strict. What's the point in making an easy resolution?!?

2011 is the year I want to complete the first part of this journey (The losing part)!! With hard work and lots of dedication, I should have NO problem!!


  1. I'm excited about starting BL again and about our team! I know you're going to pull that 50 pound loss and be in the best shape of your life!

  2. I can't wait to see your 2010 pic! You are amazing Susie! I wish I would have done BL, you all looked like you had so much fun last year!!!
