Friday, September 4, 2015

The New Journey

Four years ago if you would have asked me if I would ever regain the 185lbs that I put my all into losing, I would have just laughed at you! I wasn't content with where I was yet, but it felt amazing and I loved what I was able to do and all that the journey brought me!

Well, over the past 4 years, the weight has been creeping back on. I hurt my knee and in turn replaced the gym with awful eating habits and drinking. Once my knee was healed, I still made excuses to not go work out and the after I gained a good amount back, I was embarrassed to be at the gym!

I'm embarrassed to even admit that, although the weight gain is completely evident by just looking at me. None of the people that I have met recently even know the crazy gym rat I used to be, and that makes me kind of sad. I am not looking for anyone's sympathy nor do I want opinions or criticisms. All I am asking for is support, but if you don't feel like supporting this, that's ok too!

This coming Wednesday, September 9th, I will be undergoing surgery for a Gastric Sleeve. This procedure will remove approx. 85% of my stomach and greatly restrict what I can consume. This is't some gimmick or quick fix miracle cure. This isn't a decision that I have made lightly or without  thorough research. I am going into this with the knowledge that this is only a tool. Although it will restrict my intake, I will still have free will with what I put in my mouth and must choose to make healthy food and lifestyle choices and work my ass off at the gym again! I know the dangers of the surgery, which are minimal in the grand scheme of major surgeries!

From the very beginning of this process (about 2 months ago), I have not wanted to hide it. I feel like there is a stigma surrounding weight loss surgeries and that some people are ashamed to admit they had it. I on the other hand, am a pretty open book about everything. I want people to understand what I'm going thru and hopefully be able to support and not criticize it.

Today I got my final clearance and surgery will be preformed in St. Louis at Mercy Hospital Jefferson (technically Festus, MO) by Dr Jay Snow! I have full confidence in him and I am looking forward to surgery day! I am currently in the midst of a 10 day clear liquid diet. Yeah, it's as much fun as it sounds, haha!  The diet helps shrink the liver, which lies directly on top of the stomach and in larger people can be tough to work around!

The countdown stands at 5 days until the next big journey in my life starts! I'm super excited to get it done and hope most of my friends will be able to stand by me thru this! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me! I will try to update the blog once a week to keep everyone updated in my progress!


  1. It's still work -- hard work. And even though your stomach has changed, your head and heart will still want the fattening foods and to be a couch potato. ...And that's where the Susie that I know and love will shine. The same woman who through all the killer workouts never gave up. Running up and down the stairs outside Joes, and 2 miles in the hot sun on a super hot day, all the while carrying a heavy kettlebell. (Besides all the pushups, squats and everything else he had us do that day!) I'll be there for you any time you need me -- someone to walk with, bike with (eventually), or even just an ear to bitch to. You've got this!

  2. Big decision Susie!! You have tons of support behind you buddy!! All the best! :)
