Saturday, August 6, 2011

Its all about ME!

"Remind yourself again and again of why you must...
Hold your head high and keep your eyes on the goal"
Ralph Marston

Sorry it has been so long since I've blogged. I haven't been doing well.

Friday we had our first official weigh-in with Travis. I hate to admit the numbers.. but I'm up 29lbs since Biggest Loser ended. I am so disappointed in myself.

A good friend told me a while back that I was beautiful and that I don't have to change or lose anymore weight if I'm happy. It's hard for me to believe the word beautiful... and thinking back on that statement made me realize how truly unhappy I am with myself.

URGH... It's been a rough summer. My nutrition has been a complete downfall and besides my training and boot camp, my workouts have pretty much been a major area of disappointment.

What happened to my "intrinsic motivation"?!? I was in such good shape after Biggest Loser and a lot of that is gone. I struggle thru some workouts, But all of that is going to change.

OPERATION SUSIE is in full swing!!

I am a people pleaser! I'll do anything in my power to help a friend or make them smile (Even when I can't make myself smile)! Its just who I am. I constantly put other people first.

But I have to start putting myself and my goals first. I've made it most of the summer without moving any closer to (And for that matter further away from) my goals and that's just not acceptable.

I'm giving up drinking again! I did it for the 10 weeks of Biggest Loser and was just fine. Its a very social thing for me and I'm a very social person, but drinking does nothing good for my goals. Along with no drinking, is the very few and far between eating out. No restaurant offers the selections I need to lose the weight that I need to. It's also a social thing for me, that I won't completely be giving up, but will be cutting back extremely!

In other words, my whirlwind of a super fun summer is done! Its back to fairly lame Susie that works, goes to the gym, and goes home. If that's what I have to do to get to where I need/want to be.. then that is EXACTLY what I'll be doing!

Weekly weigh-ins with Travis will for sure keep me accountable for all of my actions! This week's weight loss goal is 6lbs! And that is completely do-able!

I'm rather excited to get back at it! Its not a fun time when all you do is sabotage yourself! Operation SUSIE is about ME.. and only ME!!


  1. You got it Susie! Get back on track and you will accomplish your goals!

  2. I'm a big fan of Operation Susie!!! GOOOO SUSIE!!! <3 <3 <3

  3. 2 bootcamps, 2 travis trainings, 6 miles and the f'ing funtastic workout. That plus eating healthy and a positive attitude means it's going to be a great week!
