Monday, August 30, 2010

So Long, Farewell!!

I'm not the kind of girl that enjoys change, which is odd to say, considering this whole journey is about that! But one incredibly welcome change is my clothing!

At some point years ago, I became too fat for "the fat store"... Yeah, sorry, I call Lane Bryant "THE FAT STORE". I mean, come on, you don't see skinny girls shopping in there, their smallest size is a 12! So unfortunately, I gave up any "fashion" that I ever had, and moved onto sweat pants, and yoga pants. Really, just anything that didn't have a zipper, button, or any sort of non-stretchy fabric!

Before this weekend, I had somewhat of an excuse for that! I mean, I do spend crazy amounts of time at the gym every week! And when I'm not at the gym, I was working, resting, and just hanging out at my house. But now, that's all done. I went out with Amanda on Saturday night, and I wasn't about to wear a t-shirt and some yoga pants to the bar!! So, it was off to Lane Bryant to see what I could find!

While I was shopping, I didn't want to put myself in a position to fail... Before I started working out, I was into a size 30-32.. (LB only goes up to 26-28.. OUCH)... So I started out trying on all 26-28s.. And to my surprise... Everything fit... BUT, IT WAS TOO BIG!! WHAT?!?!?!?

It took me a LOT longer to put together an outfit now... I used to just grab and go! Now I actually have to try stuff on.. and this time, try on a smaller size!!! I ended up actually buying 2 outfits!! Like... pants and shirts!! That NEVER happens to me! So I started with 26-28... I got down to size 22 pants, and get this, my shirt size, was 18-20... AMAZING! (Wow, I would have NEVER shared my size in a public place like this before)

Sorry.. I'm kinda rambling on! But this definitely makes me happy! I knew it would happen eventually, but I swear my size barely changed for a whole year, and it's only been in the last few months that its finally changing quite a bit!!

I'm not saying I'm throwing away my yoga pants and sweat pants... Cause please, those are just super comfortable! But now I have some options for going out (Even tho that rarely happens now)

SO LONG and FAREWELL to those feelings that I have to get all stretchy items and not have any fashion!! HELLO sparkly, flowery, fitted, fun, cute, (Possibly sexy), fashionable.... WHATEVER I want to wear!! YAY ME!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Sometimes I look at old pictures and cringe! Pictures that I thought used to look really good, I now look at and wonder how I could have ever thought that I looked ok!

Point in case... THIS PHOTO


Anyways... I can't wait to get to that point... where I'm done losing weight.. Where I'm in maintain mode! When I can't date a picture by how fat my face/body looks. Although I kinda wonder what I'll look like.. I've never been skinny (outside of being a toddler)... so I haven't a clue!! I feel like my face has changed a lot... and I'm not even 1/2 way done! I guess only time will tell!

Wishing my little lady a speedy recovery from pneumonia!
Love you Addi Grace!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stone by Stone

I feel like I've broken thru so many walls in this journey... but I still have so many to break down!

I strive to be a superb friend, a likeable person, and an all around great human being! I love all my true friends and would do anything to make them happy!!

But I find it hard to love myself. Only I know all of my faults and imperfections, all my lies and failures. Maybe that's why it's so difficult to feel the same about myself as I do towards my friends! I've learned to accept and love imperfections in others, but I have yet to apply that to myself!

I have a lot of friends that love me.. so I must be a somewhat loveable person... But when will I love me?? When will I accept myself for who I am?

But I think it's becoming easier... like every pound down is a stone down... revealing the Susie I know I am... the Susie I want to be... A Susie I think I can finally learn to love!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week of Workouts!

OK... Here's the plan.. I'm focusing on cardio and stretching this week with a little extra time off to hopefully help my back/leg heal a bit! (I seem to have impinged nerve somewhere)

Mon - Dog walk, AM Cardio, PM off
Tues- Dog walk, AM Cardio, TK
Wed - Dog walk, AM Cardio, TK, Training
Thur- Dog walk, AM Cardio, possibly training?!?
Fri- Dog Walk, AM Cardio, PM off
Sat- Training, Abs, TK
Sun- Dog Walk, TK

Not as intense... but still lots of gym time for me!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Balancing the Old and New!

I have run into some problems with all these changes in my life. One is that there seems to be a solid line between my old life and my new one. I have my old friends, I have my new friends. I have my my old food habits, I have my new food habits. I have my old schedule (Or lack there of), I have my new schedule! There really is no blur in that line.

I guess where I'm having the most trouble is balancing the old and new. I would hang out with my new friends all the time, but I don't want to ignore my old friends.

My new friends, they understand me! They are the ones working out next to me day in and day out. They are the ones that help me push further and further! They understand the ups and the downs!

My old friends have been there for me a long time! But I seem to be the only one in my group that is going thru the want/need to become healthy! I'm not giving up on my old friends, but it seems as tho I have to limit my time with them because of what I'm trying to accomplish! A lot of my old friendships were centered around food... When we hung out, it was almost always going out to eat or throwing a party with lots of food (None of which would be on my new food plan).

But now I've got to look out for me and my goals, while still trying to balance out the new and old. I'm really not worried about the new! They are here for me and support me and they'll be around for a long time! I know I'll see them during my 20+ hours at the gym weekly!

It is fitting in time for the old that I need to work on! And that's where I need help from my old friends! If you want to hang out, let's go on a hike or walk! Let's go for a swim, or go ice skating!! Let's not just go to dinner!!

BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE!! That's the name of the game!! I love my old friends.. I love my new friends!!! I'm hoping I can learn to blur the line some!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Balancing Your Life!

Losing weight isn't magical... In fact, its cold hard facts "Calories in VS Calories out"! You HAVE to make exercise a serious priority in your life if you want to get serious about losing weight.

I know how great it is to sit in front of the TV or computer after a stressful day and call it your "relaxing time"... but what about the stuff that still needs to be done? The laundry isn't going to put itself in the washer and dryer, dinner isn't going to cook itself and no one besides yourself is going to burn off those calories!

What to do... What to do?!?
How about a to-do list?
Monthly, Weekly, Daily?!?

Be truthful to yourself and your priorities and write down everything that needs to get done. Make it a priority to check everything off your to do list!

Get your life in balance and you'll find you will have plenty of time to work in some exercise!

Go for a walk, hit up the gym, take a Turbo Kick class (If I only had one hour, that's what I'd do!), find a workout video to pop into your DVD player while the baby naps!

Set aside time for you to get fit, don't just squeeze it in here and there! Sometimes that means getting up a little bit early and going for a morning walk/run!

BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE!! That's the name of the game!! If you don't have balance in your life, how are you ever going to be dedicated to losing weight and becoming a healthier you?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Balancing Your Workouts!

When I started "working out", I walked... And by walk, I mean SLOW walking! I was out of breath while trying to walk at a 2.5 miles per hour pace. I usually found myself hanging out at a 2.0 MPH!

Now, if I kept that up, I wouldn't be nearly as far as I am now! No, I've moved up from my 2 mile pace and have exceeded a lot of what I thought was impossible!

Just a quick side note: I was running on the treadmill today (I know, running.. who would have thought?!?)... and I got my mile down to 18:48!!! I've NEVER been under 19 minutes!!! YAY for me! I can't wait for the day that I can say "I got my mile under 10 minutes!"

OK.. Back to Balancing your work outs...

Balancing your workouts is ESSENTIAL!!! If all you do is walk... Your body will get used to it and eventually stop losing the weight! If all you do is ride the bike, the same thing will happen! You NEED to diversify you work out!

When I do 2-a-days, I like to do loads of cardio in the morning!! That includes bike, elliptical, cross trainer, track, treadmill, rowing machine, stairs! My PM workouts very quite a bit!! I do lots of training with the trainers at night, and that is never the same! A one hour training session can include all weights, all cardio, a mix of the two, even a whole work out using NOTHING except your own body weight to build muscles! I also do Turbo Kick 5 times a week! (I do LOVE Turbo Kick!)

So throw some weights in the mix... try running and walking then running again!! Get your heart rate up... then lower it... then raise it again!!! Keep your body guessing as to what is coming up next! If you are truly serious about it, Get a trainer!! I don't know where I'd be without my trainers switching up my workouts for me!! Probably still on my favorite bike!!

That's the name of the game!! Your body gets just as bored as your mind does if you are doing the same work out all the time! SO SWITCH IT UP!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Balancing Your Food!

A huge key to weigh loss success is nutrition!! I don't care how much you work out, you'll never lose an pound if you don't have your nutrition in check!

I use my Body Bugg "BB" program to keep track of all my nutritional items. It counts Calories/Fat/Sodium and more.. Everything you need to keep on track nutritionally!

Part of keeping on track is having a balanced diet! According to my BB, it wants me to have 65% Carbs, 20% Protein, and 15% Fat! Keeping this exact balance can be very tricky, but with a little practice, it can be fairly easy to stay close to the balance!

To Boost your Protein:
4oz Turkey Breast (roasted, no skin)- 153 cal, .8g Fat, 34g protein
-- Low in fat and calories!!

To Boost your Carbs:
2/3 cooked brown rice (Minute rice)- 150 calories, 1.5g Fat, 34g Carbs
-- Great whole grain!!

And for all your "Low Carb" diet lovers... It makes NO sense! Carbs are essential for energy! A big steak isn't going to do anything for your workout... You need fruits, veggies, whole grains! I'm not saying that steak can't be part of your diet, cause you need protein to build/repair muscles after your workouts... but YOU NEED CARBS!!!

Just be sure to get lots of Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, lower fat meats (Such as turkey and chicken)!!

AND YES... There is still room in your diet to cheat. A cheat meal is acceptable... but keeping it to ONCE a WEEK is highly recommended. Food is an addiction, so if you "quit cold turkey", You are going to CRAVE all the bad food. And what happens with a lot of addicts, they do well for so long, until they get a small taste of their addiction, and it totally blows all the hard work that was put into avoiding it. So you have treat yourself. Don't go out and get your normal meal, but go out and get a cheeseburger and fries... and tell yourself that you don't have to eat your whole plate! If it's anything like me, my cheat meals just don't taste as good anymore, and I know how gross I'll feel after eating it too.

BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE!! That's the name of the game!! Nobody lost weight and kept it off by eating only one kind of food!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week of Workouts!

Here it is... My Weekly workout plan!!

Mon-Walk the dog, Various Cardio, Training
Tues-Walk the dog, Various Cardio, Power Hour, Turbo Kick
Wed-Various Cardio, Swimming, Turbo Kick, Training
Thurs-Walk the dog, Various Cardio, Turbo Kick, Power Hour
Fri-Walk the dog, OFF!!
Sat-Power Hour, Turbo Kick
Sun-Turbo Kick

More can be added.. BUT NOTHING can be taken away!!!

And this week is going to have posts that center around the theme of BALANCE!! Hope you enjoy them!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The "Journey"

I'm more dedicated to seeing this journey thru to the end than I have ever been to anything before. But recently, I realized that there will NEVER be an end. Yes, at some point, I will reach my goal weight.. But that's not the end at all... And in some ways, its only the beginning!

Ya see, my weight loss journey is not JUST a journey! I'm not going to get to my destination and come back with pictures and stories of a great time... No, this is a LIFE CHANGE and I will NEVER be the same!

I'll never be the girl that can go out to eat with friends whenever I want to.. cause now I have to plan out my "cheat" meals and work out my calories around even the smallest "splurges".

I won't be the girl who settles for something when I know it's not right for me!

And I refuse to sit back and watch life pass me by anymore!!

Sometimes it's hard to be patient on this journey! I'd love to be at my goal weight tomorrow and start living the way I want to live.. But I know that I have to live thru the journey to appreciate how I got there!

So maybe it is a "journey"... A never ending journey!! Cause when I get to where I'm going, I won't be turning back... EVER!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One of THOSE days...

It's been one of THOSE days...

You know what kind of day I'm talking about!! Today was my day off, and I literally felt like doing NOTHING! I would have been plenty content sitting around on the couch all day catching up on One Life to Live.... But no.. I couldn't disappoint myself and my support crew!

I rallied myself this morning with some pumped up music just to get in the shower and get to the gym! 5 mile bike ride, 2 miles on the elliptical and I was feeling great! After running some errands, it was back to my house for some chill time!

The problem is.. the longer I sat, the more I wanted to just veg out for the whole night! Skip Power Hour... Skip Turbo Kick... Just sit around doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is worthless!!

But no... I got off my butt and got down to Riverplex and got my workout on! I struggled thru both Power Hour and Turbo Kick.. but I got thru them!! And I feel SOO much better for doing it!

It's weird to me that a good workout can turn your "ONE OF THOSE DAYS" into a WOOOOP WOOOOP Day! I'm just sayin! So don't try to talk yourself out of your workout! Just get it DONE!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Plan it out!

Temptations are galore... Just when you think you are free from them, another one will come up! Temptations can be small or HUGE! Being tempted to half ass your workout, Being tempted to totally skip a workout, being tempted to splurg..


The only sure fire way I've found to combat these temptations is by having a plan and letting them be known!!


Amanda and I have planning sessions on Sunday nights. We both lay out our work out plans for the week. We then post them on one of our facebook walls so that our friends can see it! (Mine is posted in the last entry on here) We also talk about goals for the week. They have ranged from drinking more water to giving more during our workouts!

And we talk every night to make sure these plans were completed! It really does help to know that there is someone that is going to get on you about doing what you have planned to do!

Another HUGE part of planning is the nutirtional part! Its great to go to the grocery store and get a whole bunch of healthy food.... but if you don't have a plan on what you are going to do with that food, then what's the point? I plan out everything from breakfast-dinner with all snacks planned out too! Then I know exactly what I need to buy from the store, and I don't end up over buying. I also don't end up going to a fast food joint on the way home, cause I know I've already got stuff waiting for me when I get there!!

Now I'm not saying that that it is the way to fully get past temptations.. You need some self control... but that one takes practice!! Try to plan out your week tho, I find it works wonders!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week of workouts!

Just wanted to post this here to keep me accountable!

This is my workout plan for the week!!!

Walk the dog before work Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri (No work on Tues, so maybe a short walk before AM workout)

Mon-Thursday AM: Various Cardio
Fri AM - Training

Tuesday - Power Hour and Turbo Kick
Wednesday- Turbo Kick and Training
Thursday- Turbo Kick and Power Hour
Friday- Off
Saturday- Power Hour and Turbo Kick
Sunday- Turbo Kick


Friday, August 6, 2010

How you made me feel...

"I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."

-Maya Angelou

For me, this quote couldn't be more true! Growing up, I was always a large kid. I was never a popular kid, but because of my personality, I was never really an outcast.. I was more of a floater.. I was "friends" with everybody, yet I still felt like I was on the outside looking in.

Kids weren't always nice... Of course, there were the usual bullies that always thought that my weight was a great way to make me cry, but even people I considered friends would make a joke every once in a while. Kids could be so cruel! I can't tell you now what they said, or what they did, but I can still remember the pain they caused me.

One that I'll never forget was a hockey player. A "grown" man that should have respect for a fan, atleast to their faces, especially a child (I was only 13). But he, for some reason, felt the need to make fun of me while I was looking at him. I never liked him from that day on.. No one ever knew why (I doubt he even knew why), because I was too ashamed to tell them that he made fun of my weight. I have never been able to forget that.

Even as adults, people still think its OK to make fun of over weight people. If I make fun of someone that isn't my race, I'm racist.. If I make fun of men, I'm sexist.. if I make fun of an overweight person... uhh.. Oh right, I guess that's just normal... There is no word to describe that! I don' t understand what gives people the right to just sit back and make fun of over weight people.

I strive to be friends with people that are the exact opposite of that... the people that embrace others because of their personalities, not what they look like... people that are there to support me and what I am doing with this journey.

The other day, a GREAT friend told me this and it just made my heart smile..

"You are one of the most genuine people I know. You are the type that would do anything to make sure the people you care about are happy. I adore you for that. And look up to you for that!! My goal in life is to surround myself with a big group of Susie's!"

THAT is the kind of person I want to be around... A friend that will be there to cheer me up when I need it the most! and I can't be more thankful for that friend!!!! (You know who you are!)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Truthfully?!?... NO!

Someone asked me tonight if I liked working out now that I had been doing it for a while... I had to think about it for a second... but my 100% truthful answer is.. HELL NO!!! I mean, who in their right mind loves to get tortured?!? Who wants to go run up and down the stairs until your lungs hurt and you want to collapse?!?


But I am in love with the idea of bettering myself.. the idea of overcoming obstacles that I once thought were impossible... and the idea that only by the actions I take, I can transform myself from something I once despised into something that I love.

I also love all my gym people.. from my AMAZING trainers, to my Turbo Kick family, all my Biggest Loser friends, and even some of the crazy old people who are there in the morning. Without some of my closest gym people, I might have given up by now! But they are there for me, they are the ones working out with me, they are the ones forcing me to run up and down the stairs until my lungs hurt and I want to collapse!!

And I'm not going to lie, some days I just don't feel like being at the gym! The work outs keep getting tougher and tougher, and my body likes to rebel sometimes by being ridiculously sore and tired (STUPID PIRIFORMIS MUSCLE)... But when the going gets tough... the tough get going....

NO, No... When the going gets tough... PUNCH IT IN THE FACE!!

Wait... ONE more try



(HAHAHAHA, Gotta get a little Turbo Kick action in there)

But seriously... After 14 months of working out, I still find it hard to say I absolutely LOVE it, but I do love all my gym friends and I can appreciate a great workout (At least when it's finished)!! Since I know that that workouts are what I need to continue my life in the direction that I want it to go, I'll be working out for a LONG LONG time to come... And maybe someday I'll be 100% positive that I love working out!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Maybe Tomorrow...

"Tomorrow is a handy excuse, yet today is the time for action. Take it, live it and be it, TODAY!"

Ralph Marston

I'm tired of excuses.. I'm tired of making excuses! I tell my self all the too often "I can splurge some today... cause tomorrow I'm getting SERIOUSLY strict on my diet" .... Then tomorrow becomes yesterday, yet I'm still splurging!

And I try to justify it by thinking its OK cause I'm not gaining any weight... BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! I am not at my goal weight... I shouldn't be in maintain mode!

So NO MORE EXCUSES... Start TODAY... Stay on target TODAY!