Thursday, August 19, 2010

Balancing Your Life!

Losing weight isn't magical... In fact, its cold hard facts "Calories in VS Calories out"! You HAVE to make exercise a serious priority in your life if you want to get serious about losing weight.

I know how great it is to sit in front of the TV or computer after a stressful day and call it your "relaxing time"... but what about the stuff that still needs to be done? The laundry isn't going to put itself in the washer and dryer, dinner isn't going to cook itself and no one besides yourself is going to burn off those calories!

What to do... What to do?!?
How about a to-do list?
Monthly, Weekly, Daily?!?

Be truthful to yourself and your priorities and write down everything that needs to get done. Make it a priority to check everything off your to do list!

Get your life in balance and you'll find you will have plenty of time to work in some exercise!

Go for a walk, hit up the gym, take a Turbo Kick class (If I only had one hour, that's what I'd do!), find a workout video to pop into your DVD player while the baby naps!

Set aside time for you to get fit, don't just squeeze it in here and there! Sometimes that means getting up a little bit early and going for a morning walk/run!

BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE!! That's the name of the game!! If you don't have balance in your life, how are you ever going to be dedicated to losing weight and becoming a healthier you?

1 comment:

  1. Have I told you yet how much I LOVE reading your blogs!

    What I love about you, Susie, is that you are not just trying to lose weight. Rather, you are taking EVERY SINGLE aspect of what it means to become HEALTHIER into account. This, my dear, is exactly why you will reach your goals. And more importantly, SUSTAIN your goals!!

    You rock, keep it up!!! Xoxo
