Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One of THOSE days...

It's been one of THOSE days...

You know what kind of day I'm talking about!! Today was my day off, and I literally felt like doing NOTHING! I would have been plenty content sitting around on the couch all day catching up on One Life to Live.... But no.. I couldn't disappoint myself and my support crew!

I rallied myself this morning with some pumped up music just to get in the shower and get to the gym! 5 mile bike ride, 2 miles on the elliptical and I was feeling great! After running some errands, it was back to my house for some chill time!

The problem is.. the longer I sat, the more I wanted to just veg out for the whole night! Skip Power Hour... Skip Turbo Kick... Just sit around doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is worthless!!

But no... I got off my butt and got down to Riverplex and got my workout on! I struggled thru both Power Hour and Turbo Kick.. but I got thru them!! And I feel SOO much better for doing it!

It's weird to me that a good workout can turn your "ONE OF THOSE DAYS" into a WOOOOP WOOOOP Day! I'm just sayin! So don't try to talk yourself out of your workout! Just get it DONE!


  1. OMG!! It's like we were on the same wave length today! I forced myself to get the workout done and I feel amazing now....a little sweat but amazing none the less ;-)

    Way to go darlin!!

  2. um, yep. i was not in the mood after being at Chuck E Cheese for three hours....but Turbo was excellent release for me tonight. SOOOO glad i went!! WHOOP WHOOP!~
