Friday, August 13, 2010

The "Journey"

I'm more dedicated to seeing this journey thru to the end than I have ever been to anything before. But recently, I realized that there will NEVER be an end. Yes, at some point, I will reach my goal weight.. But that's not the end at all... And in some ways, its only the beginning!

Ya see, my weight loss journey is not JUST a journey! I'm not going to get to my destination and come back with pictures and stories of a great time... No, this is a LIFE CHANGE and I will NEVER be the same!

I'll never be the girl that can go out to eat with friends whenever I want to.. cause now I have to plan out my "cheat" meals and work out my calories around even the smallest "splurges".

I won't be the girl who settles for something when I know it's not right for me!

And I refuse to sit back and watch life pass me by anymore!!

Sometimes it's hard to be patient on this journey! I'd love to be at my goal weight tomorrow and start living the way I want to live.. But I know that I have to live thru the journey to appreciate how I got there!

So maybe it is a "journey"... A never ending journey!! Cause when I get to where I'm going, I won't be turning back... EVER!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true!!

    You're doing great babydoll!!!
