Thursday, July 29, 2010


In May of this year, one of my trainers, Amanda talked me into going to her Turbo Kick class! I had been in a month long plateau of losing NO weight! So I figured, "Why not??! I'll at least give it a try!!" It was possibly the best fitness decision I've made so far! Turbo took a lot out of me in the beginning, but now my stamina is beyond what I ever thought it could be! I can rock out to a whole hour and have burned as many as 1200 calories in that short hour! (And not to mention my AMAZING Turbo Kick family!!! Love them)

For the month of May, I lost 20 pounds! FINALLY out of my plateau, I thought it would be smooth sailing for a while! And that didn't happen! I'm still losing, but have only lost another 15 pounds in the past 2 months. Of course, in that time, I was away from the gym for 10 days of vacation and wasn't necessarily sticking to my strict diet because of random summer get togethers with friends!

Now, please don't think I'm trying to make excuses, cause my lack of weight loss is all on me... but I realized something yesterday that I never really thought was true!

You always hear that muscle weighs more than fat.. or what I've always thought was a super lame excuse for gaining weight or staying the same: "I must be gaining more muscle than losing fat"!! That always got on my nerves! I had just assumed that because I wasn't eating the BEST... that I wasn't losing as quickly as I want to!

That is until yesterday!! Last night was my last training session with my trainer Kendel (She's leaving for grad school.. I'm gonna miss my Kendel)! So we needed to take our measurements just to see how we did! It had only been a month since our previous measurements, but we knew there should have been a little change! Truthfully, I was just hoping I didn't gain! Yes, I had lost about 8 pounds since the last measurements, but I was SCARED! But it was time to face off with the measuring tape.....

The first numbers are from June 28th, second set from July 28th!!!

WHAT?!? Are you kidding me?!? I couldn't believe how many inches that I had lost! 17.5 inches total in just one month!!

So I guess I can't be too down on myself... I am still losing!! Now to just get the pounds rolling back down again!!


  1. Girl you lost more than a half inch a day!!! That's absolutely incredible! You're amazing!


  3. Wow! Talk about Turboing your ass off!
