Saturday, November 13, 2010


Well... we've got two fails going on right now!

#1.. Somehow on a Friday night in which I was doing basically NOTHING, I break my blog writing streak at 11 days! Opps, Sorry guys! And that was one of my goals too.. THAT SUCKS!

#2.. I also completely failed the Vegan thing! My problem is, even some stuff labeled as "soy" or "veggie" products still have casein or whey protein in it!! BOOOOO!! So for the past 3 days, I've been completely Vegetarian.. But not Vegan!! I think if just work on getting more veggies into my diet and not so much processed crap, I'll be good!

Now onto my complete successes!!!

Power Hour was great this morning! I burned 930 calories during it!! That's a record for Power Hour! And it was ridiculously simple! Since it was only Margie and I, we both put on boxing gloves, and one of us would box, while the other one ran a lap... when that person got back, the one boxing would head out! We did that for an hour.. 930 calories!!! WOOP WOOP!

Oh and get this... While we were boxing, Dorian has me punching all over the place and then he puts it on his chest and says punch... Umm ok! So I did it.. then he puts it on his face and says punch... Oh my! So I did it, and he told me to "Punch hard, don't be afraid"... You don't have to tell me that twice! So I did! And I maybe punched him in the eye!!! Not hard enough for a black eye.. but maybe next time :-)

Bahahaha! I had to take a picture.. Its like my trophy.. or something like that!

Then I went and burned another 960 calories during Turbo Kick!! 1890 calories burned during JUST the gym portion of my day!! All in all, it was an AWESOME workout day!! I ended up burning 5,131 calories! WOOP WOOP!

Skipping my off day tomorrow in favor of some training with Travis!! Gotta burn those calories!!

1 comment:

  1. Susie if you need any vegan cookbook recommendations I have a ton of them! You talk about the casein hidden in food (frustrating, right?) look out for milk and egg byproducts in frozen veggies. We should totally cook together sometime!
