Sunday, November 28, 2010

Post-Thanksgiving Marathon!

So its the week after Thanksgiving! Now, I didn't splurge, but it does mean that there are only 5 more weeks till the end of 2010! So I've decided to institute a Post-Thanksgiving Marathon... But not in the 26.2 mile sense.. More like an event with greater than normal, length or duration or requiring exceptional endurance (Yeah, that's the definition out the dictionary)

The plan is between Trainings, Power Hour, and Turbo Kick, I'll have something to do at the gym everyday this week! (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... I'll have multiple things to do!) I've got my meals planned out, so I have no option to eat crap! And I'm making a commitment to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night!

This is the week that I've been needing for a while! Burning some crazy calories, eating the best foods for my body, and relaxing enough so I don't get hurt!!

Started out this week with a CRAZY workout with Travis today... I was sweating like.. Uhhh.. Ummm... A really sweaty person?!? Let's just say it was a great workout!! I burned 780 calories in the hour I was with him!!

And even tho I said I wouldn't be going to Power Hour tomorrow morning at 5:45am... I think I will!! That will give me two awesome calorie burning workouts on Monday too!! YAY!

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